Winners of the FiberOne Prize Pack!

Congrats to our winners!Posters 3, 7 and 18.
Mubbys, Miranda and Melanie.
I'll be emailing soon for addresses. You can also email me at inkcreativestudios at google's MyBlogSpark will ship out your prize packs.
I'm sorry for the lame post. I'll fix it later. My Internet is out and won't get fixed until Sunday. (Apparently Cox cable does work on Sunday? Who knew?) I'm having a friend post this until I can get back.
Congrats all! I'll run more contests soon. I hope you all signed up for the FiberOne freebies and the coupons. I was at Walmart yesterday and they were selling the packs for $2. With the $1 off coupon, the packs were just a dollar!
They were actually nearly sold out, too. They only had two packs of Key Lime Pie left.
:) I'll be back later everyone!

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