10 Benefits of Fasting For Health

healthydailymail.com Fasting is a unique worship. Especially at this time before the month of Ramadan where Muslims are required fasting Shari'a compliant. Fasting is to hold food and drink and lust from dawn until sunset.

Fasting is worship which is also very beneficial for health. Many of the benefits that can be achieved when running fast. Because the fasting we can rest the digestive organs are working very hard over the past year.

Well, to know what are the health benefits of fasting for the explanation below may help you to know the benefits of fasting.
10 Benefits of Fasting For Health

Here are 10 Benefits of Fasting For Health

1. When fasting turns out there was an increase in HDL and apoprotein alfa1, and decreased LDL proved very beneficial for heart health and blood vessels. Some of the research "chronobiological" show ramadan fasting affects the circadian rhythms decrease the distribution of body temperature, cortisol, melatonin and glisemia. Various minor changes despite the apparently also plays a role for the improvement of human health.

2. The psychological state of quiet, shady and not filled with anger when fasting was able to reduce adrenaline. When angry an increase in the number of 20-30-fold adrenaline. Adrenaline will minimize muscle contraction bile, blood vessels constrict peripheral, coronary blood pebuluh expand, increasing blood pressure and increase the volume rterial blood to the heart and the number of heartbeats. Adrenaline also adds to the formation of cholesterol from low-density fat protein. These developments may increase the risk of vascular disease, heart and brain such as coronary heart disease, stroke and others.

3. The number of dead cells in the body reaches 125 million per second, but that was born and meremaja more. When fasting terjdi changes and massive conversion of the amino acids that accumulate from food. Before being distributed in the body occurs reformat. Thus providing new opportunities bud cells to repair and restore function and performance. Fasting diet can supply fatty acids and essential amino acids while eating a meal and break the fast. Thus forming shoots of protein, fat, phosphate, cholesterol and others to build new cells and clean up the fat cells that clot in the heart.

4. Fasting can reduce levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure control. That is why fasting is highly recommended for the treatment of those suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and high blood pressure. Under certain conditions, a patient is even permissible to fast, except those who are suffering from severe diabetes, coronary heart disease and kidney stones. Fasting can keep a full stomach caused a lot of eating is the main cause for various diseases, especially obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and diseases caused by excess nutrients.

5. Being among the benefits in terms of health of fasting is to cleanse the intestines, improve the work of digestion, cleanse the body from the remains of food and sediment, reduce obesity and excess fat in the abdomen.

6. Including the benefits of fasting is to break the appetite. Because excessive, Balk in eating and drinking and intercourse with the wife, could push the desire to do evil, are reluctant to give favors and lead to inadvertence.

7. Cessation of water intake during fasting is very effectively increase the concentration of urine in the kidneys and increase urine osmotic strength to reach 1000 to 12,000 osmosis ml / kg water. In certain circumstances it will be a member protection against renal function. Water shortage in the fast turns can minimize the volume of water in the blood. This condition results in a performance boost local regulatory mechanisms of blood vessels and increase the prostaglandins, which in turn spur job function and red blood cells.

8. In the fasting state was found to boost the immune system. Research shows when fasting occurs pengkatan lymphocytes up to tenfold. Although the overall white blood cells did not change turns mengalani T cells increase rapidly. Changes accidental low density lipoproteins (LDL), without being followed by the addition of HDL. LDL lipoprotein is a model that meberika stumulatif influence the body's immune response.

9. In the latest pelitian showed that decreased levels of apobetta, raise the level of apoalfa1 than before fasting. Such conditions may keep seragan heart and blood vessel disease.

10. Research endocrinology showed that during fasting diet that is rotating into a burden in the assimilation of food in the body. This situation resulted in spending the digestive system hormones and insulin in large quantities. Decrease in various hormones is one of the secrets of long-term survival.

Similarly, 10 Benefits of Fasting for Health. Hopefully the above article can be useful for you.

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