How to Prevent and knowing Swine Flu Lately the world shocked by the attack of swine flu (swine flu). The swine flu has many casualties, especially in Mexico.
Therefore, it would not hurt us to discuss about this swine flu virus as material information to the public about what is swine flu and how pencegahanya, so that we all can anticipate that the virus had many casualties of this.

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This is due to the outbreak of a new flu virus called H1N1, also known widely as swine flu. Of the total of 653 victims (05/02/09) that the swine flu is, scattered among others Mexico 397 people (the number of suspected cases of swine flu virus in Mexico reached 2,498 people), United States 161, Canada 51 people, and Spain and England respectively 15 people.
More victims who contracted swine flu were found in Germany, New Zealand, Israel, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, and the Netherlands. In Asia, there is already one of each person who attacked the swine flu in Hong Kong and South Korea.
Swine flu is caused by influenza A virus, H1N1 strain. But strainnya suspected new strain of swine flu mix, avian influenza (AI) danhuman influenza.
The swine flu virus makes the respiratory system as an agent in the human immune attack. If the immune system is weak, then it will be easy swine flu attack. Some influenza viruses can be mixed because pigs have special reseptoryang, similar to the human and poultry classes.
Thus, the alleged third of the virus genetic joined create new strains in pigs. Besides that sets it apart is this swine flu virus can mutate. Changes in the H1N1 virus antigen structure into unknown bodies.
As a result, people infected with the virus will experience severe pain. The main symptom is a sudden high fever, above 38 degrees Celsius. Fever is accompanied by various combinations of other symptoms such as headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, fatigue, cough, sore throat, aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and with colds.

Means of prevention against the swine flu virus to attack the main thing is to strengthen the immune system. Maintain health and personal hygiene. Familiarize yourself to wash hands before and after eating or after touching something that is considered less clean.

Consumption of food balanced and nutritious. The pattern of foods that have good nutrition in quality and quantity with the impartial composition (having enough carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, proteins, minerals, and water plus milk) will increase endurance.

If the body is malnourished, then the body will take the nutrient supply to other parts of the body, which of course is still necessary nutrients by other parts of the body. The imbalance between supply and nutrients it needs will make the condition of the body and the body resistance decreased or weakened.

This condition becomes very vulnerable to be attacked by various diseases, including swine flu virus. In addition, the consumption of a wide variety of supporting the body as a supplement and a liquid electrolyte to further increase endurance.

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